不丹舊譯寧瑪派之共主 — 崗頂法王首次澳洲弘法行
Kyabje Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche Inaugural Teaching Program In Sydney, Australia 2024
主法上師:法王崗頂祖古仁波切 – 持明貝瑪林巴伏藏王第九世身化身
活動地點:HOMEBUSH WEST COMMUNITY CENTRE - 52 Hampstead Road, Homebush
活動時間:5月17日~19日 灌頂與教授
時 差:澳洲悉尼市比台灣、北京、新加坡 早二小時
Presiding Master: Kyabje Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche (9th Body emanation of Terton King Pema Lingpa)
Venue: HOMEBUSH WEST COMMUNITY CENTRE – 52 Hampstead Road, Homebush, Sydney (10 mins walk from Flemington Railway Station or parking available)
Date: May 17th ~ 19th, 2024 Empowerment and Teaching
【活動內容 Program】(English below)
A) 貝瑪林巴伏藏王傳承之普巴金剛《極密命刃普巴》灌頂
活動日期 :5月17日(五)
資格限制 :無(僅開放現場參加)
B) 《金剛普巴見地之直指.城寨險隘之見地密意》 修持教授
活動日期 :5月18日(六)
悉尼市時間:11:00~13:00 / 16:00~18:00
資格限制 :曾領受過普巴金剛灌頂者(開放Zoom線上聽課)
C) 懷愛三界之王母 – 蓮花空行作明力佛母(咕嚕咕咧佛母)灌頂 暨 法會
活動日期 :5月19日(日)
悉尼市時間:灌頂:14:00~16:00 / 法會:17:00~18:30
資格限制 :無(僅開放現場參加)
A) Vajrakilaya Empowerment (also called The Razor of Life Force from the tradition of Terton Pema Lingpa)
Date : May 17th (Friday)
Sydney Time: 15:30 - 17:30
Eligibility : None (Open for on-site participation only)
The Vajrakilaya, also known as Vajrakumara, originates from "The Root Tantra of Vajrakilaya" and belongs to the Mahayoga division of Tibetan Buddhism. It is considered the foundation of all activities of the Buddhas among the Eight Herukas, and is revered as the principal deity for all endeavors.
In order to benefit future sentient beings, Guru Rinpoche concealed numerous terma treasures related to Vajrakilaya. Among these, the most essential are the "Three Great Razors." They are: the Extraordinary Emanation, the "Supremely Secret Razor" revealed by Guru Chowang; the Great Treasure Revealer, the "Supremely Secret Unsurpassed Razor" revealed by Ratna Lingpa; and the Treasure King, the "Supremely Secret Life-Force Razor" revealed by Pema Lingpa. These three encompass the quintessential instructions of all Vajrakilaya accomplishment practices.
The transmission of this teaching is divided into distant oral transmissions and close treasure revelations. Among the 32 major terma treasures revealed by Pema Lingpa, one of the Southern Treasure Lords, this is considered the essence among the numerous Vajrakilaya treasures, akin to the essence of life itself.
B) Teaching on Vajrakilaya:
Essential instructions introducing Buddha through the view that reveals, intentions, fortress and the pitfalls according to the Vajrakilaya cycle.
Date : May 18th (Saturday)
Sydney Time: 11:00 - 13:00 , 16:00 - 18:00
Eligibility : Those who participated in the Vajrakilaya empowerment on the 17th, or have previously received the empowerment of Vajrakilaya, are eligible to register. (Teaching is available online)
The most extensive teaching of the Vajrakilaya is the "Complete Collection of the Eight Herukas practice pertaining to accomplishment cycle," but due to its vastness, it is difficult to hear, contemplate, and practice. However, due to Guru Rinpoche's inconceivable compassion and skillful means for the sake of future sentient beings, he concealed numerous marvelous treasures. Among them, the "Direct Pointing to the Vajrakilaya's Visionary Ground" is one of the three superior emanations designated by Guru Rinpoche, retrieved by the Great Treasure Master Guru Chowang, although brief, it is the concise mantra Guru Rinpoche bestowed to the Vajra Consort Yeshe Tsogyal. It encompasses all the essential teachings of the Vajrakilaya practice, suitable for modern practitioners of Vajrakilaya, enabling easy mastery of the view, practice, and conduct of Vajrakilaya. It is an extremely superior teaching of mantra.
C) Padma Dakini Kurukulle Empowerment and Puja
Date : May 19th (Sunday)
Sydney Time : 14:00 - 16:00 (Empowerment) / 17:00 - 18:30 (Puja)
Eligibility : None (Open for on-site participation only)
"The Lotus Consort Dakini of Discerning Wisdom," also known as "Kurukulle", is the principal deity of the Lotus Dakini tradition. She embodies the ultimate empowerment mantra conferred by Guru Rinpoche to King Trisong Detsen of Tibet. Among the five Dakini sections, the Lotus tradition is associated with Loving Care, with its main deity being Buddha Amitabha. Therefore, she epitomizes compassion and is considered easier to practice and achieve swift accomplishments compared to other traditions.
Kurukulle represents the culmination of all Dakini teachings, encompassing practices from the stages of generation to completion, and even the highest level of attainment, known as the Great Perfection. Apart from the profound empowerment mantra of Loving Care, it includes various worldly and transcendental methods to enhance merit, wealth, power, and relationships. Ultimately, it swiftly leads practitioners to attain the highest realization of Bodhicitta.
About Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche 崗頂祖古仁波切介紹
勝者貝瑪林巴伏藏傳承 智慧輪佛學會(亞洲)
Yeshe Khorlo Ningmapa Buddhist Center (Asia)
【報名表單 Registration form】
澳洲 Australia: google form / eventbrite
新加坡 Singapore
马来西亚 Malaysia
香港 Hong Kong
台灣 & 其它地區 Taiwan & Other Countries
報名截止日:5月16日 12:00pm
Deadline for registration: 16 May 2024, 12:00pm